


The Kyōdō Protocol is a system focused on the relationship between communities, employers, and professionals.

The protocol provides a software framework that resolves the issues companies encounter when hiring professionals, offers perks and proof of experience for these hired professionals, and enables a sustainable business model for communities.

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Kyōdō DAO serves as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) committed to promoting the growth and development of the Kyōdō Protocol as a viable business. The Kyōdō DAO provides an open platform for KYD token holders to submit and vote on various proposals.

Possible proposals may include:

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The KYD Token is the official token of the Kyōdō Protocol.

The KYD Token functions as a Governance Token, allowing its holders to participate in the DAO's decision-making process. This includes the ability to vote and submit Signal and Core Proposals.

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